JOB SUMMARY: This position is part of the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, Physics Research Division. As a Physicist, you will serve as a Program Manager for research in many experimental and theoretical fields, including heavy ion physics, medium energy nuclear physics, nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics, fundamental symmetries, and theoretical nuclear physics. MAJOR DUTIES: As a Physicist, you will: Serve as a Program Manager for a research program that sponsors theoretical nuclear research in fields that include heavy ion physics, medium energy nuclear physics, nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics, fundamental symmetries, and computational nuclear physics. Coordinate all aspects of theoretical nuclear physics research that includes, but is not limited to, lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD), in-medium nucleon-nucleon hydrodynamics, nuclear structure and reactions, fundamental symmetries, and nuclear astrophysics. Plan, coordinate, implement, and evaluate research programs in theoretical nuclear physics. Determine research needs and opportunities of the research program against scientific and technological advances. Prepare and justify the budget relating to the research program, making adjustments during the budget approval process or for unanticipated developments. IMPORTANT: Click the 'Apply for this job' button to view a complete job description.