JOB SUMMARY: These positions may be filled for a six month seasonal period, but can be vary due to weather conditions, project needs, or funding. Anticipated Entry on Duty: March-July 2025. For more park(s) information, select "Learn more about this agency" below: MAJOR DUTIES: Be a successful applicant. Watch this 5 minute video to learn how to create a federal resume. Major Duties for WG-06: Monitor Public water system for chlorine residual, temperature, pH and turbidity, making adjustments when needed. Collecting bactilogical samples for outside testing and keep system records." Perform minor plumbing repairs. Clean and maintain public restroom and vault toilets. Major Duties for WG-07: Monitor Public water system for chlorine residual, temperature, pH and turbidity, making adjustments when needed. Collecting bactilogical samples for outside testing and keep system records. Monitor and maintain sewage lift stations. Perform minor plumbing repairs. IMPORTANT: Click the 'Apply for this job' button to view a complete job description.