e-STORAGE is a subsidiary of Canadian Solar and a leading company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and integration of battery energy storage systems for utility-scale applications. The Company offers its own proprietary LFP battery solution, comprehensive EPC services, and innovative solutionsaimedatimprovinggridoperations,integratingcleanenergy,andcontributingtoasustainable future. e-STORAGE has successfully implemented over 3.3 GWh DC of battery energy storage solutionsinvariouslocations,includingtheUnitedStates,Canada,theUnitedKingdom,andChina.Thissignificant accomplishment solidifies e-STORAGE's position as a key player in the global energy storage integration industry.Currently,theCompanyoperatestwofullyautomated,state-of-the-artmanufacturingfacilities with an annual production capacity of approaching 20 GWh. e-STORAGE is fully equipped to continue providing high-quality, scalable energy storage solutions and contribute to the widespread adoption of clean energy.
CanadianSolarwasfoundedin2001inCanadaandhasbeenlistedonNASDAQsince2006.Itisnowone of the world's largest solar technology and renewable energy companies. Canadian Solar is a leading manufacturerofsolarphotovoltaicmodules,providerofsolarenergyandbatterystoragesolutions,and developer of utility-scale solar power and battery storage projects with a geographically diversified pipeline in various stages of development. Over the past 22 years, Canadian Solar has successfully delivered over 102 GW of premium-quality, solar photovoltaic modules to customers across the world. Likewise,sinceentering the project developmentbusiness in2010,CanadianSolar has developed, built, and connected over 9 GWp of solar power projects and over 3 GWh of battery storage projects across the world. Currently, the Company has approximately 700 MWp of solar power projects in operation, 8 GWp of projects under construction or in backlog (late-stage), and an additional 17 GWp of projects in advanced and early-stage pipeline. In addition, the Company has a total battery storage project development pipelineof52 GWh,including approximately2 GWh under constructionor in backlog,and an additional 50 GWh at advanced and early-stage development. Canadian Solar is one of the most bankable companies in the solar and renewable energy industry.
Location:Kitchener,ON, Canada
The Procurement Coordinatorwill assist with preparingandcoordinatingprocurement-relatedactivities in accordance with the prescribed procedures to support the development and implementation of energystorageprojects.Experiencewithlarge/utility-scaleconstructionrelatedprocurementprocesses,
- Validdriver’slicense,validinsurance,andaccesstoareliablevehicle.
- Travelisupto25%ofthe time.
Canadian Solar offers a competitive salary plus fully comprehensive benefits and performance bonus packagebasedonanannualobjectiveachievement.
CanadianSolarInc.isanEqualOpportunityEmployer(EOE).Qualifiedapplicantsareconsideredfor employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.