About Us

ZeroEx is a forward-thinking company dedicated to tackling what we believe is the greatest challenge of our time: climate change. In a world where progress in tackling climate change is alarmingly inadequate, we want to make an immediate positive impact on the environment.Our mission is clear: we want to make a significant contribution to global climate stabilization goals by actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere. At ZeroEx, we combine software expertise with the implementation of CO2 removal projects. Through this combination, we want to ensure that our efforts in the fight against climate change are not only visionary, but also based on tangible, impactful actions.We are a young, fast-paced and highly motivated team of like-minded people driven by a shared passion. We aim to make a lasting positive impact on a global scale and a sustainable contribution to the protection of our planet.To continue to grow and scale our efforts, we are now looking for support. We are looking for motivated people who want to take an active role in the fight against climate change together with ZeroEx. If you are ready to join a dynamic team and make an impact, ZeroEx is the right place to turn your ideas into reality.Let's build a sustainable future together.www.zeroex.com