Dyna Electric

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View Open Positions If you’re looking for a career that offers flexibility, job stability, strong compensation, and more, then you’ve come to the right place! The industry needs you! Associated Builders and Contractors of Connecticut (CT ABC) is a construction industry trade association representing Merit Shop contractors in Connecticut. As a Chapter of ABC National, our membership of over 200 members is afforded an effective voice in the political system at the local, state, and federal levels. Across the country, ABC represents more than 21,000 members in over 65 Chapters. Based on the merit shop philosophy, we help our members develop people, win work and deliver work safely, ethically and profitably for the betterment of the communities in which they work. Merit Shop is free enterprise - the belief that all construction contracts should be awarded to the lowest responsible, qualified bidder based on merit, regardless of the company's labor affiliation. We are a voluntary membership organization working to support and advance the entire construction industry. Our membership is diverse; ranging from some of the largest and most established firms in Connecticut to younger firms who have just entered the commercial and public construction market. Membership also consists of both Supplier and Associate members who work side by side with our contractors to move the industry forward. Is a career in the construction industry for you? Working with an Associated Builders and Contractors of Connecticut member firm is a great career choice! Plenty of excellent positions are out there, ready for motivated people like you to fill them.