Stephen C Poss
I can communicate effectively in many media, have used most office tools effectively in both careers, and am physically and mentally able to arrange and attend rallies and protests. I am creative, especially when it comes to saving the earth from us, especially those who abuse their wealth, status and greed to continue the status quo.
I've been an active environmental advocate for decades, but am now retired and ready to do more. I taught Environmental Science the last year of my teaching career 21-22, and wrote the curriculum for the course in the Summer of 2022 for my school system. While I enjoy volunteering, my teacher's retirement doesn't cover enough for me not to work for pay, so I am on this board in hopes of finding a good fit for me to use my skills, knowledge, and passion to work on making the serious changes necessary for my children's survival and thriving happen in our present and future world. I practiced law for 30 years (10 during my teaching career part-time) and have the skills that brings. I taught Social Studies, mostly Civics, Speech, and English, in addition to the Env. Sci classes (APES, too), which would make me very competent in communications and government advocacy or lobbying. I attended a lobbying weekend in DC with the Citizens Climate Lobby a couple of years ago, attended the Sierra Summit in SF about 10 years ago, and the "Represent Us" rally in New Orleans four years ago, just to name a couple of my activities I have engaged in these past few years.