Corey Cardarelli
Agile Methodologies, Android Development, API Design, Application Deployment, C#, C/C++,
CLEAN Coding Principles, Concurrent Programming, Confluence, Continuous Integration (CI),
DataGrip, Debugging, Docker Containers, Embedded Application Development, Ethernet/
Mesh/Serial Communication, Fullstack Development, Git, Grafana, HTML, IntelliJ, iOS
Development, Java, Java Persistence API (JPA), JavaScript, Jenkins, Jira, JSON & XML, Kotlin,
Linux Development, OpenTelemetry (OTEL), Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), PodMan, PostMan,
Quality Assurance (QA), Requirements Gathering, RESTful APIs, Shell Scripts, Software Design,
Software Development, Software Engineering, Splunk, Spring Boot, Spring Framework,
Technical Documentation, Unit Testing, Web Development
With over 25 years of experience, I am a Senior Software Developer skilled in Spring Boot,
Kotlin, Java, and C/C++. I am experienced at developing and supporting end-to-end
features across many operating systems (Web, Windows, Linux, MacOs, iOS, Android). I have
served as technical lead responsible for planning, design, and coordinating development
between local and remote teams.