DescriptionJob Title: Environmental Sustainability Fellow (AcadYr)
Classification: Student Employee (non-exempt)
Name and Address of Employer: St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave, Northfield, MN 55057
If the position requires the student to work off campus, provide the name and address here:
Department Name: Finance Office
Unit Number (5 digits): 16106
Length of Position: See Employment Authorization
Contact Person/Supervisor: Mark David, primary; Paul Jackson, secondary
Pay Rate (Check One) Standard Hourly Rate x Supervisory/Special Skills Hourly Rate
Description of the Position: (Purpose of the Position):
The Environmental Sustainability Fellow serves to assist the Finance department, Facilities, the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC) or its successor with strategic tasks, collect, manage, and analyze sustainability related data, work with a diverse array of units of the college, and assist with updates to the college sustainability web pages, sustainability map, and community updates through content creation.
Transferable Skills:
- Data collection and analysis
- Environmental footprint assessments and action steps
- Project workflows
- Communication – interpersonal, public speaking & digital storytelling
- Collaboration/team work
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Environmental Sustainability Fellow will help execute and contribute to the design of at least one major project over the work period and support additional work as directed.
- Work with Finance, Facilities, and ESC members to construct, implement, and maintain a workflow process that captures information required for annual and monthly environment and sustainability reporting from units across the college
- Engage units at the college that hold environment and sustainability related data
- Leverage prior work done by other fellows, the ESC, collaborators, and various EnvSt 237 ACE teams
- Create visualizations that reflect fiscal year contributions to environmental footprints at the college and facilitate comparisons to other higher ed institutions.
- Greenhouse Gas equivalent emissions (GHG): Scope I, Scope II, Scope III
- Water resources: potable water, wastewater
- Material reuse and landfill diversion: recycling, composting, paper (office & towels), landfill
- Normalized by various institutional characteristics: building gross square foot managed, student full-time equivalents, heating & cooling degree days,
- Collaborate with Finance staff to update the sustainability website based on recommendations created by ESC and guidance by Marketing and Communications.
- Update, research and add information to the campus sustainability Google map.
- Collaboratively create resources (physical and electronic) communicating campus environment and sustainability information and advice
- Brochures/short videos to be distributed to students at the start of the year alongside existing resident hall information, Title IX, etc. information sheets.
- This resource should cover campus sustainability key points for individuals to refer to, some examples include:
- Material reuse and landfill diversion: a guide/short video to sorting trash, recycling, and compost in the correct bins;
- Advice for how to use less water and energy in campus housing
- A cheat sheet for key points one could bring up in a conversation in response to the question, “How can I help stop climate change?”
- Connect actions to UN Sustainable Development Goals and to college mission.
- Consider parallel material for faculty & staff
Qualifications: (Education/Experience/Skills)
- Proficiency with Excel/Google spreadsheet software, presentation software, and data visualization and analysis
- Familiarity with digital communication, especially website and social media content creation.
- Demonstrated collaborator with interest in policies and practices connected to sustainability or environmental concerns.
- Ability to work independently/self-directed
- Attention to details and accuracy