e-STORAGE is a subsidiary of Canadian Solar and a leading company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and integration of battery energy storage systems for utility-scale applications. The Company offers its own proprietary LFP battery solution, comprehensive EPC services, and innovative solutions aimed at improving grid operations, integrating clean energy, and contributing to a sustainable future. e-STORAGE has successfully implemented over multiple GWh DC of battery energy storage solutions in various locations, including North and South America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and East Asia. This significant accomplishment solidifies e-STORAGE's position as a key player in the global energy storage integration industry. Currently, the Company operates two fully automated, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities with an annual production capacity approaching 20 GWh. e-STORAGE is fully equipped to continue providing high-quality, scalable energy storage solutions and contribute to the widespread adoption of clean energy.
Canadian Solar was founded in 2001 in Canada and has been listed on NASDAQ since 2006. It is now one of the world's largest solar technology and renewable energy companies. Canadian Solar is a leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules, a provider of solar energy and battery storage solutions, and a developer of utility-scale solar power and battery storage projects with a geographically diversified pipeline in various stages of development. Over the past 23 years, Canadian Solar has successfully delivered over 102 GW of premium-quality solar photovoltaic modules to customers across the world. Since entering the project development business in 2010, Canadian Solar has developed, built, and connected over 9 GWp of solar power projects and over 3 GWh of battery storage projects globally. Currently, the Company has approximately 700 MWp of solar power projects in operation, 8 GWp of projects under construction or in backlog (late-stage), and an additional 17 GWp of projects in advanced and early-stage pipeline. In addition, the Company has a total battery storage project development pipeline of 52 GWh, including approximately 2 GWh under construction or in backlog, and an additional 50 GWh in advanced and early-stage development. Canadian Solar is one of the most bankable companies in the solar and renewable energy industry.
The Project Engineer ispart ofa cross-functional teamthat focusesonexecutingbattery storage projects in Australia with market-leading technologies. The Project Engineer is responsible for all engineering activities of two or three storage projects from the design phase through to commissioning, ensuring successfulexecution.TheProject Engineerisexpectedtospendover50%oftheirtimeattheproject site.
- Assist with the development of technical specifications, vendor reviews, and supplier qualifications,includingtestingandcommissioningaspectsofenergystorageprojects.
- Supportprocurementactivitiesbymanagingsupplierinformationgathering,generatingtechnical requirement documents, and maintaining supplier Q&A logs.
- ManageengineeringconsultantsortheEPCperforminggridinterconnectionstudiesas requiredby AEMO or NSPs in accordance with the NER.
- ReviewandevaluatetechnicalaspectsofEPCbidderproposalsrelatedtoenergystorageduring EPC selection.
- Reviewprojectdocumentsandpreliminarydesignstoidentifygapsinscopeandresponsibility, ensuring project success. This requires a comprehensive understanding of engineering, construction, and permitting concepts.
- Responsiblefortechnicalprojectexecution,whichrequiresmanagingscope,stakeholders,and schedules, ensuring alignment among all parties.
- Interfacewithinternal(projectmanagers,productengineers,salesteam)andexternalcustomers (utilities, AHJs, contractors, end customers) to ensure consistent communication.
- Manageengineeringconsultantsandhostweeklycoordinationanddesignreviewmeetingswith stakeholders.
- Reviewandcoordinatedesignandtechnicalinformationfromsuppliersandcontractors.
- Managethedesignreviewprocess,ensuringallcommentsareaddressed.
- Inspectconstructionworkandresolveinstallationandcommissioningtechnicalissues.
- Suggestproductdesignorproceduralimprovementsbasedonlessonslearned.
- Maintainanddevelopkeystrategicrelationshipswithmajorvendors,suppliers,andcontractorsin the energy storage industry.
- Supportvalue-engineeringandprocessimprovementeffortsbysharingproject-specificlessons learned.
- BSinanengineeringfieldorequivalentexperience/practicalknowledge.
- 5-10yearsofrelevantexperienceinproject and/orsystemsengineeringwithinEnergyStorage integrators or EPC contractors.
- Directexperienceinbatterystoragesystems,mediumvoltagestations,and/orrelated products/systems.
- Proficientinthespecification,technicalbidanalysis,andprocurementofmajorequipment (inverters, transformers, switchgear, etc.).
- SolidunderstandingofcommissioningandtestingofEnergyStorageprojects.
- Proficientinconstructionprojectmanagement(Submittals,RFIs,ChangeOrders,Non- Conformance, As-builts).
- ProficientinMVElectricalInstallations,AmpacityCalculations,ShortCircuit/LoadFlow,Protective Device Coordination, Arc Flash, Grounding (per IEEE80), and other design topics.
- WorkingknowledgeofprocessesandtechnicalrequirementsprescribedundertheNational Electricity Rules.
- ExperiencewithNSPrequirementsfornetworkplanning,augmentation,andgenerator connections.
- Globalperspectiveandawareness,withexperienceworkingacrossdiverseculturesina multinational company.
- Aresults-orientedprofessionalwithacan-doattitude,settingaggressive,measurablegoalsand being prepared to be evaluated on their achievement.
Canadian Solar offers a competitive salary plus fully comprehensive benefits and performance bonus packagebasedonanannualobjectiveachievement.
CanadianSolarInc.isanEqualOpportunityEmployer(EOE).Qualifiedapplicantsareconsideredfor employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.