Desirable Qualifications
In addition to evaluating each candidate's relative ability, as demonstrated by quality and breadth of experience, the following factors will provide the basis for competitively evaluating each candidate:
Creativity and Innovation: Thinks beyond the confines of traditional models to recognize opportunities, seek creative solutions and take intelligent risks. (Organizational Excellence - Commitment, Teamwork, Innovation)
Decision Making: Makes critical and timely decisions. Takes charge. Supports appropriate risk. Makes challenging and appropriate decisions. (Stewardship and Efficiency - Commitment, Teamwork, Innovation)
Ethics and Integrity: Demonstrated concern to be perceived as responsible, reliable, and trustworthy. Respects the confidentiality of information or concern shared by others. Honest and forthright. Conforms to accepted standards of conduct. (Organizational Excellence - Integrity, Commitment, Teamwork)
Conflict Management: Recognizes differences in opinions and encourages open discussion. Uses appropriate interpersonal styles. Finds agreement on issues as appropriate. Deals effectively with others in conflict situation. (Organizational Excellence - Integrity, Teamwork)
Teamwork and Collaboration: Sets team structure. Organizes, leads, and facilitates team activities. Promotes team cooperation and encourages participation. Capable of cross functionality and working well with others on a team to achieve personal goals, team goals, and organizational goals. Takes responsibility for individual actions in order to achieve consistent results. (Stewardship and EfficiencyOrganizational Excellence - Commitment, Teamwork)
Customer Focus: Considers, prioritizes, and takes action on the needs of both internal and external customers. (Organizational Excellence - Commitment, Teamwork)
Communication: Expresses oneself clearly in all forms of communication. Gives feedback and is receptive to feedback received. Knows that listening is essential. Keeps others in the Division and other functional units informed as appropriate. (Organizational Excellence - Integrity, Commitment, Teamwork)
Analytical Skills: Approaches problems using a logical, systematic, and sequential approach. Weighs priorities and recognizes underlying issues. (Stewardship and Efficiency - Integrity)
Technical Expertise: Depth of knowledge and skill in a technical area. (Stewardship and Efficiency - Integrity, Commitment)