Hitachi Zosen Inova

Hitachi Zosen Inova

About Us

Zurich-based green-tech company Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) is a global leader in solutions for energy transition and circular economy including Energy from Waste (EfW) and Renewable Gas (RG), operating as part of the Hitachi Zosen Corporation Group. HZI acts as a project developer, technology supplier and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor delivering complete turnkey plants and system solutions for thermal and biological waste recovery. Its solutions are based on efficient and environmentally sound technologies, are thoroughly tested, and can be flexibly adapted to customer requirements. HZI’s Service Solutions Group combines its own research and development with comprehensive manufacturing and erection capabilities to provide support throughout a plant’s entire plant cycle. HZI works for customers ranging from established waste management companies to up-and-coming partners in new markets. Its innovative and reliable solutions have been part of more than 1,600 reference projects worldwide. Find out more about HZI at
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