JOB SUMMARY: This position is located in San Juan National Historic Site, in the Cultural Resources Management Division. MAJOR DUTIES: Identifies, independently sorts, and classifies objects that are similar to previously identified objects. Catalogs museum objects and enters cataloging data into the designated NPS catalog program. Handles, cleans, stores, and labels objects in the permanent collection. Performs routine cleaning, stabilization, or preservation of artifacts whose treatment does not require a high degree of specialization. Makes recommendations for the care of museum collections. Implements housekeeping schedules and oversees the housekeeping work of other museum or maintenance staff. Provides daily and cyclical cleaning and monitoring of artifacts in accordance with standard operating procedures. Reports object deterioration, damage, movement, or theft to the supervisor. Cleans and monitors public areas, exhibition spaces, and artifact storage areas. Processes incoming and outgoing loans in accordance with NPS standards for insurance, security, and environment. Ensures proper handling, exhibition, packing, and return of loan objects. Ensures that all loan agreements, renewal forms, insurance certificates, shipping papers, and related documentation are completed and properly signed. Maintains museum records, including accession, catalog, and loan records, in accordance with NPS standards. Completes the accession of new objects and insures that required paperwork and files are complete. Updates standard operating accession procedures as needed and instructs other staff and volunteers in their use. Conducts or assists others to conduct the annual inventory of museum collections and contributes as required to the annual Collections Management Report. Monitors the environment of the collection storage and exhibit areas by keeping records on temperature, relative humidity, and pest infestation. Compiles climate data into summaries, charts, and reports. Maintains the condition of the storage room monitoring equipment. Reports on the physical conditions of storage and exhibit areas and keeps track of museum supplies and equipment needed for the operation of environmental monitoring equipment and the care of the museum collection. Assists with the design, installation, repair, and rehabilitation of exhibits. Serves as team member, and at times a team leader, on curatorial projects such as the elimination of cataloging backlogs; organization of photograph and archival collections; production of finding aids and location guides; photo documentation of collections; and the reorganization of storage areas. Recommends appropriate methodology and procedures to accomplish projects. Instructs others in appropriate techniques and procedures. Monitors day-to-day work on projects. Prepares progress reports for the supervisor. Responds to personal, phone, and mail inquiries regarding the museum collection. Assists NPS staff, visiting museum professionals, and researchers by locating, retrieving and obtaining information on museum collections. This is a term position (more than 1 year) with an initial appointment expecting to last at least 13 months but may be extended up to a total of four years, or more based on any changes to regulations governing the number of years term appointments may last, without further competition. Term positions do not convey permanent status in the Federal service. The National Park Service retains the right to extend the duration of this appointment after selection and/or appointment, based on changes to the regulation governing the number of years term appointments may last. This change, which may be made at the agency's sole discretion and without further competition, shall not be construed or interpreted as the granting of a right to a selectee or employee to such an extension. No extension to a term appointment shall be granted to a selectee/employee to an amount of time that exceeds the maximum number of years authorized under any present or current regulation, unless such regulation expressly allows such action. Area Information San Juan National Historic Site consists of a system of 400+ year Spanish fortifications and bastions that encircle the 500-year-old City of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is the smallest island of the Greater Antilles chain. The island is 35 miles wide and 100 miles long with the highest elevation at 3000 feet. Average island temperature year-round is 82-87 degrees during the day and 72- 77 degrees at night. The San Juan metropolitan area has all amenities including excellent health services and retail stores. Recreational opportunities can be found island wide. San Juan airport is located 7 miles from the park and is serviced by most major airlines with nonstop flights to major hubs. Flight time to Miami is 2.5 hours and Atlanta is 3.5 hours. Cost of living is considered moderate. Puerto Rico has a 11 .5% of sales tax and COLA is 2.63%. IMPORTANT: Click the 'Apply for this job' button to view a complete job description.