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GROW Externships

GROW is a not-for-profit incubator that works to connect underrepresented rising professionals with paid externships in the environmental field. The Sludge Hub has partnered with GROW to host these budding environmentalists and provide them with hands-on experience in the heart of coal country.

*Accommodation and ground travel is provided.


What You'll Experience


Waterway testing and sampling


Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) remediation


Carbon sequestration measurement


Soil amelioration projects


A whole lot of

Grit and Grime

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The GROW Central Appalachia Program (CAP) engages the passionate environmentalists who support the Sludge Hub's efforts to mitigate the legacy impacts of the departed coal industry. Externs participating in the GROW CAP typically eat, sleep, and work directly upon abandoned mine sites. The program includes components of education, manual labor, and technical skills.

The Sludge Hub & Company
a 501(c)3 charity - EIN: 88-1358714

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